Monday, June 22, 2009

Time for Paris


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While perusing an old tattered 1920’s magazine I came across an article about French fashion and began to cut out the tiny pictures of the Paris trends.
I happen to toss them into a box that held aged watch faces and a vintage Eiffel tower postcard. Together laying on the bottom of the shallow box I could see the emerging of a new art kit.

I took a copy of the postcard and punched the watch faces into it giving me the title " Time for Paris".

The colors in the kit was inspired by the vintage French trim made from genuine silver threads and the black dot silk ribbon. .

I also placed a few family treasures in this kit, pen nibs and an ink pen from the desk of my husband's grandfather and a silver deco pin from his grandmother.
Rose buttons from a jumper of mine that I use to wear all the time back in the 80's, I really loved that jumper. As well as some buttons from Aunt Alice's discarded button box.

This kit was in Somerset Life Summer 2009...


rochambeau said...

This is so exciting Louise!
I will look for Somerset Life when I go to the book store next!


bluemuf said...

Oh Louise, what a beautiful art kit. Your little kits are pieces of art.I look forward to buying the magazine when it comes out.
Hugs Karen

Sandra Evertson said...

Love the new look over here! And it's always cool to find out how things came about! Great article!
Sandra Evertson

Nan said...

Glad I found your blogs thru the Three Muses...I really love the idea of art kits. Your end results are beautiful! I think I do this when I go second hand shopping.. I keep finding litle boxes of "go togethers" that i will make into a project "someday". :)

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...


Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

Your kit is ohhh la la!! I love it.

Lou said...

Beautiful and so inspiring!
Lou xx

indybev said...

Beautiful, beautiful work! Your boxes are exquisite! Thank you for sharing.